I am Angela Suresh.
Student. Creative. Engineer.
My Projects
Here are some things I've been working on!
Aug - Dec 2022
Longhorn Racing
Watchdog Circuit
My freshman project in LHR. Starting from being a complete newbie at Electronics, I
communicated with my team and researched the circuitry and datasheets involved in making this project. Project details: Converted signals into CAN and developed the corresponding PCB
standardized subsheet for the telemetry system within the electric car.
Jan - May 2023
Longhorn Racing
My favorite project from the end of my freshman year of LHR. Independently developed an Underglow module that displayed different light animations. Developed and tested a PCB integrating ESP32-WROOM MCU and FASTLed software libraries to illuminate addressable leds. Used C++ to implement multiple LED light configurations through Platform.io in the Arduino framework.
This was the most fun project I've ever worked on and made the aesthetic of the car 100 times better.
Jan - May 2023
Embedded Systems | Final Project
Handheld Game Device
Developed an embedded system to run a personalized game with C++ in Keil IDE using Arm Cortex-M4F microcontroller, TM4C123G.
My partner, Carolyn Hoang and I developed the software need for the Game, Overcooked 2.
Jun - Aug 2023
Personal Project
Portfolio Website
Designed and developed personal portfolio website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript